International Center for Refugee and Migration Studies

Research Symposium

ICRMS organized a Research Symposium of the Senior and Junior researchers on December 21st, 2022 at the training hall BUITEMS. Dr. Ayaz Qureshi and Mr. Zafar Ullah joined the day-long symposium virtually as resource persons. Mr. Zafar Ullah is a Ph.D. fellow at the University of Edinburgh, UK. His research focuses on urban/Infrastructural Violence and Urban Planning in South Asia. Dr. Ayaz is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Anthropology at the School of Social and Political Sciences at The UNIVERSITY of Edinburgh. Dr. Ayaz has a great insight of research experiences in Health, Migrations, Infectious Diseases, Global Health, NGOs, Development, Neoliberalization and Labour Relations, Bureaucracy, South Asia and Pakistan. They said what emerged from the research are quite well-known things to all of us but the important successful point for all of us is that these issues were documented based on empirical research.

All researchers presented their research work in great detail and the presentations were followed up by a Question-and-Answer session with engagements from the UNHCR team, audience (Students and faculty BUITEMS) and the two resource persons. The researchers provided policy recommendations and suggestions to the UNHCR and identified avenues for future research.

Research Symposium

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