International Center for Refugee and Migration Studies

Research Proposal Writing Workshop

A thought-provoking workshop titled “Research Proposal Writing Workshop: Ethical Challenges of Researching and Engaging with Refugee Population” was conducted at the Training Hall, BUITEMS. The session was organized by BUITEMS Library Teaching and Learning Center in collaboration with the International Center for Refugee and Migration Studies (ICRMS).

The workshop commenced with a round of introductions, fostering a welcoming atmosphere as young researchers and academia professionals shared insights into their backgrounds and research interests. The esteemed presenter, Mr. Zafar Ullah, a Ph.D. scholar at University of Edinburgh, UK, led the discussion, delving into the essential steps of crafting a research proposal. Participants engaged eagerly, exploring various facets of their research ideas within the workshop’s interactive environment. Notably, the focal point remained on research ethics, a critical aspect in studying vulnerable populations such as refugees.

An insightful activity centered on the ‘Informants’ Capacity to Give Informed Consent to Participate in the Research’ was conducted, encouraging participants to contemplate the ethical implications of their research practices. This hands-on approach provided invaluable perspectives on navigating ethical dilemmas within the research process.

Throughout the workshop, active participation and idea-sharing characterized the dynamic interactions among attendees. The exchange of diverse viewpoints enriched the learning experience, fostering a collaborative atmosphere conducive to intellectual growth.

The session concluded with a vibrant question and answer segment, where participants had the opportunity to seek clarifications and insights from the presenter. Mr. Zafar Ullah adeptly addressed the queries, offering valuable guidance and concluding the workshop on a high note of engagement and knowledge sharing. The Research Proposal Writing Workshop proved to be a resounding success, offering a platform for aspiring researchers to explore the nuances of ethical research practices while honing their proposal writing skills. The event’s interactive nature and emphasis on ethical considerations underscored its significance in shaping responsible and impactful research endeavors.


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