On Monday, 8th May ICRMS first public lecture was held at BUITEMS video conference room on the topic “The Issue of Smuggling and Trafficking in Person in Balochistan” By Doctor Farhan Navid Yousaf. The gusts were invited from federal and provincial government departments, legal and judicial departments, representatives from different Inter-governmental organizations, Inter-nongovernmental organization, International Center for Refugee and Migration Studies ICRMS’ Team, Faculty members and students of BUITEMS joined the session. Human trafficking and smuggling of migrants are grave violations of human affecting vulnerable populations. Balochistan has been known to be a hub for human trafficking activities, including the trafficking of Afghan refugees and minorities. Dr. Farhan Navid Yousaf, highlighting the types, means, reasons and ends of human trafficking in Balochistan, and the challenges faced by vulnerable populations like women, children, and mostly refugees and migrants in Balochistan. He briefed about the global policy framework developed by United Nations Human Rights Office UNHRO, the constitution of Pakistan and laws and policies available in Balochistan for curtail human trafficking which is ultimately the violation of human rights.